Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Science today

Today for science we looked at apples.  First, we tried to worked out what was in the bag by feeling around.   Only two kids worked out it was an apple, but everyone's guesses were of something that is round.

Then we guessed how many seeds might be inside our apples.

Finally, we got to eat them!


Miss Stonestreet

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Welcome Back - Term 4

I hope you have all had a relaxing holiday!  Ready to start Term 4!

Just a reminder that our "Rainbow Fish" calendar art work is put on display in our classroom.  If you wish to purchase it and have it turned into a calendar, bring in the money $13 per calendar.

See you on Monday.

Miss Stonestreet

Handwriting - Letter H

End of Term One

We have come to the end of term one - here are some photos of what we've been up to this term: Swimming - we were lucky enough to have...